Office of Quality, Standards & Partnerships

Office of Quality, Standards & Partnerships

The Office of Quality, Standards and Partnerships (OQSP) is responsible for assuring and enhancing the quality and standards of the University’s awards and programmes, across the range of its academic activities.

The Office approves, monitors and reviews all academic programmes and partnerships, and provides the expert independent and impartial guidance and direction to all staff across the institution and to the University’s national and international academic partners.

The OQSP website hosts extensive information and guidance relating to the development and monitoring of all programmes at Lincoln, as well as key documents and resources relating to assessment activities – which are a fundamental aspect of the student learning experience.

Assessment Framework

Working with the academic architecture provided by the Quality Assurance Agency, the University has established a framework on which to hang its assessment principles and practice. As the University awards its own degrees it must ensure parity of standards across all levels, all disciplines and for all students. Creating a clear framework for the execution of assessment practice is therefore essential to secure those standards. The University therefore has a comprehensive assessment framework to aid in the production cycle of assessment, and the monitoring and enhancement of them, and the procedures that support them. It is comprised of three key components:

  • An overarching Assessment Charter
  • Updated Assessment Regulations and Policies
  • A comprehensive Assessment Design Criteria

All assessment framework resources are hosted on the OQSP website and can be navigated via the linked sections below.

People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park,
    Lawress Hall,
    LN2 2BJ