Entitlement to work in the UK

Entitlement to work in the UK

The University has a duty under the provisions of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 to verify, prior to the commencement of employment, that any individual undertaking work for the University, irrespective of the length or duration of the work have the right to work in the UK. This check provides the University with a statutory excuse against a civil penalty (up to £60,000) in the event that we have employed someone, who is prevented from carrying out the work in question, by reason of their immigration status.

The University has heightened obligations to comply with right to work rules as a UKVI sponsor licence holder. Non-compliance can lead to the Home Office taking action against the University’s licences and our ability to sponsor both staff and students to gain permission to work/study in the UK. 

A reminder therefore that right to work checks for all engagements/ work must be: 

  • Undertaken ahead of the start date and not on the start dateto provide the University with a statutory excuse against a civil penalty and to meet our compliance duties as a ‘Highly Trusted Sponsor’.
  • An individual without a right to work check cannot commence work. Where a prospective employee does not have the right to work in the UK, any offer of employment/engagement will be conditional upon the successful receipt of a work visa.
  • Applied equally to all employees/workers to ensure that we remain compliant with our duty to prevent illegal working and at the same time avoid unlawful discrimination.

Where the correct checks are not in place, claim forms will not be processed via Payroll. 

Responsibilities for undertaking ‘Right to Work’ checks are as follows:
Worker/Engagement Responsibility for Check
Student Workers on Campus Campus Jobs
Claims Workers i.e. External Examiners/Guest Lecturer Local Area/QPS
Associate Lecturers PPC
Casual Workers i.e. Invigilator/LAC Venue/Casual Research Asst (CWA Post) PPC
Core Workforce PPC
Follow Up RTW Checks PPC or Campus Jobs for Student Workers


  • It is a prerequisite that all individuals with delegated responsibility to undertake ‘right to work’ checks first complete the following training and declaration: Here
  • To determine whether a right to work check is required; if so the type of check and the statement to enter please view the quick flowchart. For full guidance please see: Right to Work Checks – How to Guidance.

For additional information or help please contact rtw@lincoln.ac.uk

People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park,
    Lawress Hall,
    LN2 2BJ