This page provides answers to our most frequently asked questions. When you click on a topic, you will find a number of questions that relate to it.

We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any further queries, contact the relevant team or your  PPC Business Advisor.

The People, Performance and Culture Team

Navigate to: A | B | C | E | G | I | L | M | N | P | R | T | U | V | W


Access to Work

What is access to work? 
Access to Work is a programme of support run by the Department of Work and Pensions, which provides financial support towards the additional costs incurred in providing reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities or health conditions in their workplace. 

Access to Work is an employee-led scheme, which means that the referral needs to be initiated by the employee either online or by calling 0800 121 7479.  The initial assessment is normally completed within 8 working days from the point of submitting an application.  

Further information is available on the Access to Work page. 

Appraisals - Academic Appraisal (ADA)

Am I able to make changes to my form after I have submitted it? 
As long as your reviewer/appraiser hasn’t confirmed your comments, you will be able to make the relevant changes and click ‘Save’. This will automatically update your form, but please ensure that you inform your reviewer/appraiser once you have made any changes as they won’t receive a notification.   

ADA system – once your manager has added their comments and completed your appraisal, you won’t be able to make any changes and the system will be locked. 

I’m both an appraiser and manager for someone in the ADA system, why can’t I confirm my appraisee’s objectives? 
At the top of the page there are two tabs, a manager tab and an appraiser tab. Please be aware that you can’t add your manager comments before you have completed your appraiser comments, so please ensure that you are using the correct tab. If you continue to experience problems, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk.

Appraisals - General

Which appraisal scheme am I on? 
If you are a professional services member of staff, you will be eligible for the Performance and Development Review (PDR) scheme once you have passed your 6-month probation.  

If you are an academic member of staff, you will be eligible for the Academic Appraisal (ADA) scheme once you have past your 12-month probation.  

Members of staff on an SMG contract are eligible for the Senior Management Performance Review (PRP) scheme after passing the probationary period. 

Where can I get further support with my appraisal? 
Training sessions are provided around the appraisal cycle, including training for Reviewees and Reviewers for PDR, and Appraisee and Appraisers for ADA. Please see the central booking system to book onto the relevant course. 

For ADA or PDR queries, please contact training@lincoln.ac.uk. For PRP queries, please contact Sharon Smith in HR via sharonsmith@lincoln.ac.uk. 

How do I change my appraiser/reviewer to my new line manager? 
The appraisal systems are integrated with the HR system so any updates will automatically pull through, however on PDR, this will depend on what stage of the form you are at and whether the OD team will need to make any amendments to direct existing workflows. If you’re unsure, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk  

My reviewee is no longer working at the university, what do I do? 
Appraisees should be automatically removed from the system so if there are any issues with a leaver not being removed, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk to confirm this. 

I have changed posts/departments since the last appraisal cycle, do I still need to write an end of year review? 
If your previous post is similar to your new post, please complete your end of year review. Please email training@lincoln.ac.uk, so that a member of the team can change your form in your new role/reviewer 

If your new post is completely different to your previous post and the objectives are not relevant, please begin a new PDR form and leave your end of year review. 

I can’t meet with my reviewer/appraiser before the deadline, what do I do? 
Please arrange to meet with your reviewer/appraiser as soon as possible and we encourage you to draft your objectives as a starter. You will still be able to access the PDR/ADA system once the deadline has passed however the final reporting to the Senior Leadership Team will show non completion. 

If your reviewer/appraiser is off on long term sick, please speak to your interim line manager to see whether it would be appropriate to change your reviewer/appraiser. If the answer to this is yes, please ask your line manager to email training@lincoln.ac.uk. Please be aware that any changes made to the ADA system will take 48 hours to update.  

I’m an appraiser/reviewer, how do I check my appraisee’s/reviewee’s amendments to their form? 
You won’t be automatically notified when your appraiser/reviewee makes changes to their form if they have already submitted, so you’ll need to wait for your appraiser/reviewee to tell you they have made the updates before looking at their form.  

When is the deadline for appraisals? 
Generally, the appraisal cycles run between November – February every year however these can change annually with specific dates. This covers a review of the previous 12 months and then set objectives / development for the following 12 months. 

I have just finished probation and the appraisal cycle is currently running, do I need to have an appraisal? 
If you are in professional services, then you should complete an appraisal form within the first 4-6 weeks after having your probation period confirmed. These will be interim objectives as agreed within your final probation meeting with your manager. 

If you are in an academic area and finish probation before the start of the next appraisal round, then you should complete an appraisal. If you finish mid cycle, we encourage you to complete interim objective setting locally with your appraiser/manager. 

Appraisals - Performance Development Review (PDR)

The PDR system won’t let me submit my form because the button has greyed out, what do I do? 

  1. First check that all the boxes in your form have been completed.  
  1. Secondly, ensure you have completed the previous year’s end of year review. 
  1. If you continue to have problems, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk. 

How do I change my appraiser/reviewer to my new line manager? 
The appraisal systems are integrated with the HR system so any updates will automatically pull through, however on PDR, this will depend on what stage of the form you are at and whether the OD team will need to make any amendments to direct existing workflows. If you’re unsure, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk  

I can’t start a new form in my PDR, what do I do? 
Please email training@lincoln.ac.uk with a screenshot of the error message – this will help us solve your query as quickly as possible.  

Am I able to make changes to my form after I have submitted it? 
As long as your reviewer/appraiser hasn’t confirmed your comments, you will be able to make the relevant changes and click ‘Save’. This will automatically update your form, but please ensure that you inform your reviewer/appraiser once you have made any changes as they won’t receive a notification.   

PDR system – if your form has already been confirmed by your reviewer/appraiser and you need to make amendments, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk 


What is an apprenticeship? 
Apprenticeships are a work-based professional learning opportunity offering a flexible alternative to traditional classroom learning. Research has shown that successful completion of apprenticeships helps to increase earning potential, improve career progression and provide real-time organisational impact for employers. 

What apprenticeship programmes are available? 
The university can offer apprenticeships at all levels, up to and including Masters level (levels 2-7), with a variety of study options to suit your needs. Various cohorts for different apprenticeships are run throughout the year, however our team can find an apprenticeship tailored to you which you can complete as an individual rather than in a cohort. There are new apprenticeship programmes being developed all the time. For those interested, look on the website and if you don’t find something that fits, get in touch with us via training@lincoln.ac.uk and we can find you a suitable programme. 

I already have a degree, can I sign up to an apprenticeship programme? 
If you have already achieved a degree, you can apply for an apprenticeship however you have to be able to evidence that you can grow your knowledge of a specific subject. This means that those who already hold a degree within a certain field may not be able to complete a lower or same level apprenticeship in the same field. However, queries will be dealt with on an individual basis, so if you have any concerns please contact the team via training@lincoln.ac.uk 

What qualifications can I get out of an apprenticeship? 
It depends on the programme. Some will provide an Apprenticeship Certificate, and some provide an undergraduate or Masters degree, and there are other professional recognitions and qualifications. 

What support will I get when completing an apprenticeship? 
The level of support will differ depending on the apprenticeship you have enrolled on. The apprenticeship programme and provider will stipulate how much support is available, but please be advised that in whichever apprenticeship you enroll, you should have the ongoing support of your line manager throughout the programme. 

For managers of apprentices, what commitments are required? 
The programmes require apprentices to have 20% off the job training. It’s a big commitment for many managers to make but off the job training can also include appraisals, 1 to 1s that discuss development, learning, CPD activities that relate to the apprenticeship and shadowing etc. so can often be woven and evidenced through the person’s natural job role. 

What is the Apprenticeship Levy? 
The Apprenticeship Levy is a tax that the University must pay as a large employer but can draw back some of that money to fund apprenticeships for staff. It is essentially a training budget to benefit our staff and a great opportunity to access high quality development. 

What are the benefits of apprenticeships? 
To existing staff, they provide a supportive, intensive training opportunity which will help translate any previous experience and new learning directly into your role, helping you to progress. They also provide the opportunity to bring new staff into the organisation, creating development roles where individuals can grow in the organisation and feel supported. 

I’m interested in pursuing an apprenticeship, how do I get started? 
The first point of contact is the Organisational Development team. We’ll have a discussion with the member of staff and/or their manager, to find out what areas of development they need. Then we’ll find a suitable programme and provider, and staff can be involved in this process to make sure we can tailor as far as possible to their needs. 

Away Days

How do I reserve equipment to use at an away day? 
If you would like to book training equipment, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk with the required equipment, and when you are able to collect and return the equipment.  

How do I find out what equipment is available for use at an away day? 
You can see our collection of training equipment here or you can speak to one of our Organisational Development trainers about training materials and resources. 

Can I get assistance with finding an appropriate venue for my away day? 
You can get guidance about away days at the link below.  You can see our collection of training equipment here or by emailing training@lincoln.ac.uk 



What benefits does the University offer?
We offer a wide range of benefits covering travel, lifestyle, financial and a comprehensive wellbeing programme. Details can be found on the benefits page of the HR website. 

I have a query about a benefit, who can I contact?
Queries regarding staff benefits should be sent to payrollservices@lincoln.ac.uk.

If the benefit is specifically regarding wellbeing please contact staffwellbeing@lincoln.ac.uk

What is salary sacrifice?
Certain benefits can be provided via a salary sacrifice arrangement which is where you agree to exchange part of your salary for a benefit(s) provided by the employer.  Your overall pay will consequently be lower so that you pay less tax and national insurance contributions.  Details of the benefits we provide via salary sacrifice can be found on Linc-On. 

Do you sell childcare vouchers?
Unfortunately, the childcare voucher scheme is now closed to new entrants.  The government introduced Tax-Free Childcare as an alternative and further details are available at on their website.

Do you offer discounts on travel?
To view our travel benefits, visit the Travel Schemes page on the HR website and the Travel page on Linc-On. 


Career Pathways

What is Career Pathways? 
Career Pathways is a development framework which was created in response to the University’s Staff Survey in 2017. The framework aims to support professional services staff build their competencies and behaviours between grades 2 and 10 by recommending development activities to engage with.  

Where can I learn more about how Career Pathways works? 
Please visit our website here to learn more about Careers Pathways. 

Changes to Working Hours

I would like to adjust/reduce my working hours/weeks, what do I do?
If you would like to make a permanent change, you would need to complete a Flexible Working Request.  

It is recommended that you discuss this with your line manager before you make your formal request. This will offer both you and your manager the opportunity to explore the situation and possible options in relation to how operationally it may work.  For further information please see Guidance for Employees. Once agreed, please complete the employee sections of the Flexible Working Request Form and send to your line manager.   

Should you have a short term, temporary requirement, please discuss this with your line manager.  

One of my staff members has asked to reduce their working hours/weeks, what is the process? 
If they would like to make a permanent change, they would need to complete a Flexible Working Request. It is recommended that you discuss this with your staff member before they make a formal request. This will offer both you and the staff member the opportunity to explore the situation and possible options in relation to how operationally it may work. For further information please see Guidance for Managers 

Once agreed, both you and the employee will be required to complete a Flexible Working Request Form and you will need to complete an Amendment to Contract Form. This will need to be signed off by your Head of College/School or Department, before sending over to your Finance Business Partner for approval.  

If they have a short term, temporary requirement, you can grant this at your discretion, in line with business needs.  

I would like to increase my working hours/weeks, what do I do? 
If you would like to increase your FTE, please speak to your line manager to see if this can be accommodated.

One of my staff members has asked to increase their working hours/weeks, what is the process? 
You would be expected to consider if there is a business need for any increase and manage your employee’s expectations.  To proceed with the increase, you will need to complete an Amendment to Contract Form This will need to be signed off by your Head of College/School or Department, before sending over to your Finance Business Partner for approval. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Partner. 

Conduct, Behaviour and Performance

I’m a manager and have concerns about the conduct/behaviour of one of my staff members, what do I do?  
The University aims to create and maintain a working environment where employees feel able to raise concerns at the earliest opportunity and where the need to initiate formal procedures is minimised. We would always encourage you to have an informal conversation with the staff member in order to address your concerns and understand their situation.  

If there is a Wellbeing issue, you may need to signpost them to the Employee Assistance Programme which is a 24/7 confidential counselling and advice service that is free to all University of Lincoln employees. 

Alternatively, if there is a question of misconduct, then you may need to consider Disciplinary action.   

Please contact your PPC Business Partner for advice as soon as possible.  

How do I raise a Grievance?  
The University aims to create and maintain a working environment where employees feel able to raise concerns at the earliest opportunity and where the need to initiate formal procedures is minimised. We would recommend holding an informal discussion with your line manager or PPC initially to talk through the situation. They will listen to your concerns, seek to understand the issue and give you the opportunity to say what you feel would be the best way forward. For further information, please see the Grievance Policy Guidelines 

If you need any additional support, the Employee Assistance Programme is a 24/7 confidential counselling and advice service that is free to all University of Lincoln employees. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Partner. 

One of my staff members isn’t performing in their role, what is the process?
There is an expectation that line managers responsible for explaining the standards of performance to employees throughout the induction and probation periods. You should also be monitoring ongoing performance, and supporting employees to achieve these standards through day to day management, and effective discussions about support and development through the appraisal process.

However, if all informal actions to support the improvement in performance have failed, the formal Improving Performance Policy and Procedure will apply. Please contact your PPC Business Partner for advice.


I need to extend one of my staff member’s contract, what is the process?  
To proceed with the extension, you will need to complete an Amendment to Contract FormThis will need to be signed off by your Head of College/School or Department, before sending over to your Finance Business Partner for approval. 

Where can I find a copy of my contract or job description?
Please contact hr@lincoln.ac.uk.

What does FTE mean? 
FTE stands for Full Time Equivalent. This is used to demonstrate the hours staff are working per week. For example, a 1.0 FTE indicates someone is working full time (37 hours), whereas a 0.5 FTE indicates someone is working half the amount of time (18.5 hours) etc. 

What is my notice period?
Notice periods are usually based on the grade of the role:   

  • Academic Staff: Grades 9 and below – 3 months  
  • Academic Research Staff: Grade 6 and below – 1 month, Grade 7 and above – 3 months   
  • Professional Services staff: Grades 6 and below – 1 month, Grades 7 & 8 – 2 months, Grades 9 & 10 – 3 months  

Please contact your PPC Business Advisor for your own specific terms and conditions. 

How do I resign?
Please notify your line manager in writing that you would like to resign, including the date you intend to leave. PPC will confirm your resignation in writing and update My View with your revised annual leave entitlement. It is expected that you and your manager to work together to ensure any accrued annual leave is taken during your notice period. 

What do I do if a staff member resigns?
Please ask your staff member to submit the resignation in writing, including the date they intend to leave, and forward it on to your PPC Business Advisor. PPC will confirm their resignation in writing and update My View with their revised annual leave entitlement. It is expected that you and your staff member to work together to ensure any accrued annual leave is taken during their notice period.  

There is an expectation that you would review the role, in order to establish if it the post holder needs to be replaced. If you do need to recruit for the role, please complete an NOV to start the process.  

How long is my probation period?
Academic Staff usually have a probation period of 12 months.  For further information and for the relevant documentation please visit Academic Staff Probation. 

Professional Services staff usually have a probation period of 6 months. For further information and for the relevant documentation please visit Professional Services Probation. 

If you have any questions, please contact your HR Business Advisor. 

How do I convert an Associate to a Fractional Contract? 
Associates make a valuable contribution to the quality of the student experience and it is essential that they are recruited and employed using the relevant processes and checks. For further information, please see the Associates Contracts Hub.  

What is the difference between TSPP and T&R role profiles? 
All academics (up to and including Associate Professor) have the same contractual obligations. Within the academic contract two pathways exist – Teaching and Research (TR), and Teaching, Scholarship and Professional Practice (TSPP). 

The TSPP role profile has been developed for individuals who have a focus on scholarship and/or professional practice, alongside their teaching.  The T&R role profile has been developed for individuals who have a focus on research alongside their teaching. 

For further information, please visit Academic Role Profiles. 

What do I do if I have a second job? 
Please speak to your line manager, to ensure there is no conflict of interest.  For further information, please see the ‘Exclusivity of Service’ section of your Terms and Conditions.  


Equality and Diversity

What is the Race Equality Charter (REC)? 
Race Equality Charter (REC) aims to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education. It provides a framework through which institutions work to identify and self-reflect on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of minority ethnic staff and students.  

The University of Lincoln became members of the REC in July 2016 and since then has been working on developing initiatives to support the experience of staff and students ethnic minorities. 

What is Athena Swan? 
Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005 and aims to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the access, development and progressions of women in higher education and research. The University of Lincoln signed up to the Athena SWAN Charter in 2008. For further information, please visit the Eleanor Glanville Centre website.

Where can I find facts and figures on staff/student diversity? 
The University Staff and Student Diversity Report is published annually on the University PPC website.

What does BAME/BME mean? 
BME stands for Black and minority ethnic. BAME stands for Black, Asian and minority ethnic.

Both the terms have their limitations, including: 

  • They imply that BME/BAME individuals are a homogeneous group. 
  • Both BME and BAME single out specific ethnic groups, this can be divisive and exclusionary. 
  • They can be perceived as convenient labels that are placed on minority ethnic groups of people, rather than identities with which people have chosen to identify. 
  • It is generally perceived that these terms refer only to non-white people, which does not consider white minority ethnic groups. (Advance HE, 2020) 

What does LGBT+ mean? 
LGBT+ is a common abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals or groups. However, the terminology around sexual orientation is continuously evolving and alternative terms may be preferred and used by individuals across different ages and cultures e.g. LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Genderqueer, Queer, Intersexed, Agender, Asexual, and Ally community).  

What is the Equality Act? 
The Equality Act is a legal framework, which came into force on 1 October 2010, to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for allIt brings together previously existing separate pieces of legislation such as: the Equal Pay Act 1970,  Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976 or Disability Discrimination Act 1995, etc. 

The Equality Act protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society. 

Who is protected under the Equality Act? 
There are nine characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010. These are: 

  • age 
  • disability
  • gender reassignment 
  • marriage and civil partnership 
  • pregnancy and maternity 
  • race 
  • religion or belief 
  • sex 
  • sexual orientation.


How do I sign up to online expenses?
In order to sign up to our online expenses system, visit the Expenses page and then view the guide to self-registration. 

What is the expenses policy?
The expenses policy can be found on the expenses site which has the UK policy and the overseas expenses policy.  If you have any queries with the information in this policy please contact payrollservices@lincoln.ac.uk. 

When do claims need to be submitted?
It is advised to submit claims as soon as possible the approving manager has until the 10th of the month to allow it to be processed for payment that month if there are no issues with the claim.   

When are expenses claims paid?
Expenses claims are paid with your salary each month, claims will only be paid if they have been approved by a senior manager in your area.  Your claim is then checked by a member of the payroll team and you will receive an email from the system to let you know when your claim has been fully approved. 


General HR

Where is the PPC department located?
The PPC department is located in Lawress Hall on Riseholme campus. You can navigate to us using the Navigate-Me website.

How can I keep up to date with things happening in the PPC department?
You can keep up to date with us by following us on Twitter and Instagram and by viewing our quarterly digital newsletter. We also hold engagement groups/networks for all staff and managers.

How is the PPC team structured?
The People, Performance and Culture department is split into 5 teams; Executive Office, Equality Engagement & Development, Reward and Benefits, Operations and Operational Services. You can find details on each member of the team on the meet the team page. 

Who is my PPC Business Partner/PPC Business Advisor/PPC Assistant?
View the list of PPC contacts by area here.

Graduate Interns

What is the Lincoln Award for Graduate Interns? 
The Lincoln Award for Graduate Interns is a developmental programme for recent graduates employed in a Graduate Intern post at the university. The programme is designed to build your personal skills and knowledge of the workplace whilst getting hands-on experience in a fulltime position for 12 months. As part of the award, each Graduate Intern produces a digital portfolio displaying the work they have done over the course of their internship and the progress they have made. 

Is the Lincoln Award for Graduate Interns the same as the Lincoln Award? 
The Lincoln Award provided by the Careers and Employability Centre is specifically designed for current students looking to gain acknowledgement of extra-curricular activities they have done which help boost their employability. The Lincoln Award for Graduate Interns is not the same programme as the Lincoln Award for students.  

Do have to have done the Lincoln Award to join the Lincoln Award for Graduate Interns? 
It is not necessary to have done the Lincoln Award at undergraduate level before enrolling on the Lincoln Award for Graduate Interns, but graduates who have done the Lincoln Award as a student previously are still welcome to apply for a Graduate intern role.  

When are the Graduate Internships available to apply for? 
Graduate Internships are advertised via the university’s recruitment site (www.jobs.lincoln.ac.uk) towards the end of the academic year, with positions usually starting at the end of July or early August.  

Where can I apply for a Graduate Internship position? 
You can apply for Graduate Internship opportunities via www.jobs.lincoln.ac.uk. If you wish to receive job alerts for Graduate Internship roles, you can set these up via the website above.  

Which schools or departments offer Graduate Internships? 
A range of colleges and professional services departments offer Graduate Internships, but these can change on an annual basis. Previous Graduate Internships have been in the following colleges/departments:  

  • People, Performance and Culture
  • Communications, Development & Marketing 
  • Student Support Centre 
  • Student Wellbeing Centre 
  • Student Administration
  • Student Engagement 
  • Digital Student Life 
  • Accommodation Services 
  • Sports Centre 
  • College of Arts 
  • College of Social Science 
  • College of Science Technical 
  • Library Services 
  • Careers & Employability  
  • LPAC 

Where can I get help with my learning logs/portfolio? 
You can gain advice for Organisational Development for your learning logs or portfolio by attending the Graduate Intern Workshops, or by contacting training@lincoln.ac.uk to get support via email or set up a 1-2-1 meeting.  

How many Graduate Intern workshops are there and what happens if I miss a workshop? 
Graduate Interns are asked to attend a minimum of 8 out of 10 mandatory workshops to pass the Award. If you miss a workshop or have any queries regarding your attendance, please contact training@lincoln.ac.uk. 



What is an induction programme? 
The purpose of induction is to help you to settle into your new role as quickly as possible and to enable you to begin your career here with the University of Lincoln in a positive and supportive environment. The length of the induction will vary depending of the nature of your role and responsibilities and may include activities to get to know your role and team and give you the necessary training you need to be successful in your role. 

Where can I find the induction forms?  
You can download the appropriate form by visiting the Induction and Probation page, where you can also download your probation form. 

Where can I find the induction checklist? 
The induction checklist forms part of the departmental induction form, which you can download on the Induction and Probation page.  


Leave and Absence

How do I notify the University of my absence/sickness?
It is the University’s expectation that the employee notifies their line manager and/or the area sickness notification officer personally on the first day of absence. The University’s preference is that this notification is by telephone, however it may be appropriate in some circumstance for the use of email. 

When you return to work you will be required to complete a Self Certification Form, and your line manager will arrange a Return to Work meeting with you to discuss your absence, and any additional support you may need. 

One of my staff members has returned to work after being absent through sickness, what do I do?
All managers have a responsibility to manage sickness absence proactively and sensitively. You should arrange a Return to Work meeting with the employee on their first day back, or as soon as possible thereafter. If an employee feels that they are unable to discuss the reasons for their absence with you, they should contact their PPC Business Partner. During the meeting, please complete a Return to Work form. 

For further information, please see the Managing Sickness Absence Policy  

I have recently experienced a bereavement, can I take time off?
In the event of the death of a near relative, you may be granted a maximum of 5 working days leave with pay and a maximum of 15 days without pay. For further information, please see the Compassionate Leave section of the Leave of Absence Policy. 

In the event of the death of a child under the age of 18, or a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy, you are entitled to four weeks leave with full pay. For further information, please see the Parental Bereavement Leave section of the Leave of Absence Policy. 

If you need any additional support, the Employee Assistance Programme is a 24/7 confidential counselling and advice service that is free to all University of Lincoln employees. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

A relative of mine has been in an accident/taken seriously ill, can I take time off to support them? 
In the event of serious illness or an accident of a near relative the provision of serious illness leave will be made available. In the first instance up to 2 working days leave with pay will be granted.  It is understood though that due to the nature of this leave that individual circumstances will vary. For further information, please see the Serious Illness section of the Leave of Absence Policy. 

If you need any additional support, the Employee Assistance Programme is a 24/7 confidential counselling and advice service that is free to all University of Lincoln employees. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

Does the University offer any provisions for Parental Leave?
Parental leave is a legal right enabling parents to take time off work to look after a child or make arrangements for the child’s welfare. Parents can use it to spend more time with their children and strike a better balance between their work and family commitments.  

 This leave is unpaid; however employment with the University will be treated as continuous service during the period of parental leave.  For further information, please see the Parental Leave Policy. To apply, please complete the Application for Parental LeaveIf you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

I have a family emergency, can I take time off? 
An employee may be granted reasonable time off either as time off in lieu, unpaid leave or annual leave to deal with certain unexpected or sudden emergencies.  

Examples of unexpected domestic leave can be (but not exclusive to): 

  • A dependant falls ill and time is required to make alternative or suitable arrangements  
  • Unexpected breakdown of care arrangements for a dependant  
  • Unexpected incident involving a child during school hours  
  • Burglary or property damage, such as a flood, that occurs at an employee’s property, 

For further information, please see the Unexpected Emergency Domestic Leave section of the Leave of Absence Policy.  

If you need any additional support, the Employee Assistance Programme is a 24/7 confidential counselling and advice service that is free to all University of Lincoln employees. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

I’m considering taking a sabbatical, what do I need to do? 
Sabbaticals are available to Academic staff in order to further their research, scholarship or professional practice that delivers the University and College/School’s strategic objectives.  For further information please visit our Academic Sabbatical Policy 

Can I take time off for personal medical appointments? 
Paid leave will be granted where an employee is required to attend a hospital appointment. A copy of the hospital card or appointment letter must be submitted to the Manager prior to seeking approval, then forwarded to PPC.  

For general dental, medical and optical appointments, it is recognised that it is not always possible for these to be arranged to take place outside working hours. Reasonable and practicable arrangements should be agreed in advance between the employee and line manager for this to be taken as time off in lieu, unpaid leave or annual leave. Line managers have the right to request evidence of the appointment. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

Can I take time off for a dependent’s medical appointments?
It is an expectation of the University that every reasonable effort will be made to arrange an appointment amenable to the work situation (for example outside work hours or where this is not possible, that arrangements will be made for the start or end of the working day). Wherever possible a flexible approach which is reasonable and practicable should be agreed in advance of any required leave between the employee and line manager. For further information, please see the Caring Responsibilities and Scheduled Dependent’s Medical Appointments section of the Leave of Absence Policy. 

If you need any additional support, the Employee Assistance Programme is a 24/7 confidential counselling and advice service that is free to all University of Lincoln employees. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

I have received a summons for Jury Service, what is the University policy?
Paid leave will be granted when an employee is required to carry out jury service or called upon to give evidence in court. The notification documents from the court should be forwarded to PPC when your leave of absence is submitted for approval. You must inform your manager of the date that you anticipate to complete your jury service and return to work as soon as practicable. 

For further information, please see the Jury Service section of the Leave of Absence Policy. 

I am a member of the Reserve Forces, does the University provide additional entitlements?
Members of the Reserve Forces will be supported and permitted 10 days additional leave to attend training and an additional 5 days leave to assist with temporary medical treatment, recuperation or illness which has occurred during active duty. 

Members of the Reserve Forces or immediate family of serving members are allowed an additional 5 days paid leave per year to attend services or occasions organised by the Armed Forces or of significant impact upon the family life including home comings, parades, deployment and R&R.  

Evidence of these dates must be supplied to your line manager in support of the application. For further information, please see the Armed Services section of the Leave of Absence Policy.

I have been absent for more than 7 days, what do I need to do? 
For absences over 7 calendar days, you will need to provide your line manager with a medical certificate. If you are not expecting to return at the end of the date on the medical certificate, you will be expected to notify your line manager and provide another certificate.  

When you return to work you will be required to complete a Self Certification Form, and your line manager will arrange a Return to Work meeting with you to discuss your absence, and any additional support you may need. 

One of my staff members has been absent for 7 days or more, what is the process?  
For absences over 7 calendar days, the staff member will need to provide you with a medical certificate. The staff member will be expected to notify you if they are not planning on returning at the end of the date given on the medical certificate. They will also be required to provide another certificate.  

When they return to work you will be required to arrange a Return to Work meeting with the staff to discuss their absence, and any additional support they may need. Please contact your PPC Business Partner if you have any questions.

I am concerned about the level of absence my staff member has had, what do I do?
Where an employee’s absence through sickness becomes a cause for concern i.e. absence levels have reached the trigger points, you will be required to invite the employee to an informal review meeting. 

The trigger points are:  

  • A number of recurring absences due to sickness – 3 occasions or 6 days of sickness within any 4 month rolling period. NB Occurrences may be more significant than total days in establishing a pattern of absence and raising cause for concern.  
  • A long term period of sickness absence that has lasted or is expected to last four weeks or more 

For further information, please see the Managing Sickness Absence Policy. If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor.  

I would like to take some time off for training, what do I need to do? 
A request can be made for time off for training which you believe will improve your effectiveness in the business, and the performance of the business. For further information please see this Guidance for EmployeesIf you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Partner. 

A staff member has asked to take some time off for training, what is the process? 
A request can be made for time off for training which employees believe will improve their effectiveness in the business, and the performance of the business. As an employer, the University has a duty to consider such requests seriously and will only be able to refuse a request where there is a clear business reason. 

For further information please see this Guidance for ManagersIf you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Partner. 


What is Linc-On?  
Linc-On is the University’s reward platform, it hosts over 60 benefits for staff and student workers. 

How do I sign up to Linc-On? 
Head to Linc-On and go to ‘register your account’ and input your first name, last name and payroll number. Your payroll reference number can be found via MyView on your payslip. 

I’m new to the University, when can I sign up to Linc-On? 
You should be able to sign up two weeks after your start date. 

What can I find on Linc-On? 
You can find over 60 benefits including travel, financial, health and lifestyle. You can also send e-cards to recognise or thank colleagues.  

How do I use Linc-On credits? 
You can use Linc-On credits on vouchers, e-vouchers and Spree reloadable cards. You can find out more here. 

How do I purchase vouchers on Linc-On? 
Vouchers can be purchased via the Linc-On catalogue. 

How do I purchase discounted cinema tickets via Linc-On? 
Cinema tickets can be purchased via Filmology which is hosted on our Linc-On Lifestyle platform. More details can be found here. 

Lincoln Welcome (Induction)

What is the Lincoln Welcome? 
The Lincoln Welcome is a mandatory induction workshop which new starters are automatically invited to within a month of joining the university. This workshop aims to help staff build an understanding of the vision and culture of the University, to meet members of the Senior Leadership Team, receive broader information about the University and receive relevant information for new starters. 

How do I book onto the Lincoln Welcome? 
New starters are automatically invited by Organisational Development to attend one of our induction workshops. If you are a new member of staff, you’ll receive an invitation via email within a month of your start date.  

I can’t attend the full Lincoln Welcome session, what do I do? 
We advise all staff to be available for the duration of the session to get the most out of this experience. However, we do appreciate that teaching timetables may make this difficult, so if you are unable to attend the full session, please notify the team as soon as possible via training@lincoln.ac.uk to discuss the options with a member of the team. 

Do I have to attend the Lincoln Welcome? 
The Lincoln Welcome is a mandatory course for all core staff at the university, and we advise all staff to attend as soon as possible to help them learn about the university and receive the correct support for new starters.  


New and Expectant Parents

What is the University Maternity entitlement?
For all information on Maternity entitlements, please see Pages 4-12 of the Supporting New and Expectant Families Policy. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

What is the University Paternity entitlement? 
For all information on Paternity entitlements, please see Pages 13-15 of the Supporting New and Expectant Families Policy. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

What is the University Adoption entitlement?
For all information on Adoption entitlements, please see Pages 16-19 of the Supporting New and Expectant Families Policy. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

What is the University policy on Shared Parental Leave?  
For all information on Shared Parental Leave, please see Pages 20-27 of the Supporting New and Expectant Families Policy. 

If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 



When is payday?
The university pay date for monthly paid employees is the 25th of the month unless this falls on a weekend or bank holiday in which it will be brought forward to the nearest working day. Specific monthly pay dates can be viewed on the pay page on the PPC website. 

What is a P45?
A P45 is a document that should be provided to you upon leaving employment. It details out your pay information from the start of that tax year until your end date. Part 1 you should keep for your records and parts 2&3 should be handed to your next employer. 

What is a P60?
A P60 is a statement of your earnings and statutory deductions for a given tax year. We are required to issue this form to employees by 31st May each year. You will only be issued with a P60 if you are in our employment on the last day of the tax year (5th April). You may need to use it as proof of earnings for tax credits, benefits etc. or to help you complete a self-assessment tax return. You can find your P60 on MyView. The law requires you to keep a record of your taxable income for at least 22 months after the end of the current tax year, so make sure you keep it in a safe place. 

How do I change my bank account details?
You can change your bank details on MyView, under ‘My Information’ and ‘My Bank Details’. 

Where can I view my payslips?
Payslips and pay information can be viewed on MyView under ‘My Pay Documents’ or ‘My Pay’. 

Can I obtain paper payslips?
If you are required to have an original payslip it is possible to obtain paper payslips, you will need to contact the payroll team via the email payrollservices@lincoln.ac.uk and specify which payslips you need and if they need to be authorised. 

What does my tax code mean?
Your tax code is normally expressed as a number and a letter (e.g. 1257L) and this determines your tax-free allowances. Please use this Link to find out more information.

What is my ‘PAYE’ number?
This number will be on your payslip in the employer name box, it will be a series of numbers and letters. 

How can I contact HMRC? 
The telephone number is 0300 200 3300. You should have your NI Number to hand when you contact them and the above PAYE reference number. This information is noted on your payslip each pay period. You may wish to register for “my personal tax account” online. This means that you can keep track of any changes to your tax code. 

My tax code is BR, what does this mean? 
BR means that you are being taxed at basic rate (20%) and are not receiving any tax-free allowances. You should submit a P45. If you do not have a P45 you can complete a new starter declaration and forward your completed document to the Payroll Department. Should you still have any queries around your tax code please call HMRC on 0300 200 3300. 

I’m on an S tax code, what does that mean? 
This means that your income is being taxed at the Scottish tax rates, please click here to view the tax rates. You should only be on a S code if your main residence is in Scotland. 

I’m on a C tax code, what does that mean? 
This means that your income is being taxed at the Welsh tax rates, please click here to view the tax rates. You should only be on a C code if your main residence is in Wales. 

I’m a new starter – how can I ensure my tax code is correct? 
If you have been in employment, your previous employer will have issued form P45 which you need to bring into the Payroll department for processing. If this is your first job, or haven’t received your P45, please complete a new starter declaration form and return it to the Payroll department. If you have any queries regarding your tax code, you can log on to your online account or call the tax office. 

When will I be paid if I start at the University’s employment part way through a month? 
You will be paid for the period worked on the University’s normal payday. For example, if you start on the 10th of the month, you will receive a pro rata month from the 10th to the end of the month paid into your account on the 25th of that month. If you start after the 18th of the month, you will receive payment for the remainder of that month plus a full month in the next payroll run. 

When will I be paid if I leave the University’s employment part way through a month? 
You will be paid for the period worked on the University’s normal payday. Your payslip and P45 will be sent to your home address. If your home address should change following your date of leave, please inform Payroll via payrollservices@lincoln.ac.uk

How do I work out my hourly rate? 
Divide your salary by 52.143 (weeks in the year). Then divide this value by your contracted hours per week e.g. 37 hours to get your hourly rate. For example, Salary of £20,000. £20,000 /52.143 = £383.56 /37 = £10.36 per hour. 

What are the student loan thresholds?

The Student loan thresholds can be found using this link.


What is a pension scheme? 
A pension is a tax efficient way to save money during your working life for when you reach retirement age.  There are different types of pensions ie workplace and personal pensions and the way the pension builds up can differ too.  

What is pension auto-enrolment? 
Auto enrolment was introduced by the government to help people save for their future. Every employer is now required to automatically enter qualifying staff into a workplace pension and to make contributions towards their employee’s pension. 

How do I opt out of a pension scheme? 
You have the right to opt out of a pension and the scheme administrators will be able to advise on the process for doing so.  There are strict time limits for opting out and receiving a refund of contributions. 

What pension scheme will I be enrolled onto? 
Your letter of appointment will confirm the pension scheme you are eligible to.  Academic staff are entered into the Teachers Pensions scheme and our professional services staff join the Universities & Colleges Retirement Savings Scheme which is administered by Aviva. 

Can I change what pension scheme I am in? 
The scheme you are entered into is determined by your employment contract so with a workplace pension you cannot choose which scheme you join. 

What are the contribution rates for my pension scheme? 
The contributions rates are set out on the pensions page. Your payslip states what rate and how much you have paid. 

What are Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)? 
These are extra payments you make into the pension to boost your pension savings.  For the Teachers Pension scheme, AVCs are administered by the Prudential.  There are other ways of increasing pension in TP and members should refer to their scheme website for further details.   

UCRSS members can increase how much they pay in by amending their contribution rate. 

How can I keep track of my pension? 
You should have an online account where you will be able to see details of the pension you have built up including any death in service/life assurance entitlement 

I opted out of a pension scheme, can I opt back in? 
Yes, you can opt back in at any time by completing a form which is available from HR. 

What should I do about my pension if I leave the University?  
We will inform the scheme administrators that you have left and they will send you details of the options available. 

Thereafter you should maintain contact with the scheme and inform them of any changes to your address. 

Can I transfer my previous pension to my pension at the University? 
It may be possible to transfer in previous pension and you should investigate the process by contacting your scheme, as soon as you commence employment.  


I would like to give my staff member some additional responsibilities, what is the process?
You would firstly need to consider if this is a permanent or temporary arrangement. For further information, please visit our Additional Responsibility/Acting up Allowance Policy. Please speak to your PPC Business Partner in the first instance and then complete Additional Duties and Acting Up Form and send it to your PPC Business Advisor. 

Will the University close because of snow or bad weather? 
You can find this information in the Adverse Weather Conditions policyThe university will communicate any action plan related to adverse weather as necessary. Please adhere to these messages.  

What is an agency worker?
An agency worker is a temporary member of staff.  Once an agency worker has been working for 12 continuous weeks, they are entitled to “equal treatment” compared to permanent staff. For further information, please see the Agency Worker RegulationsIf you have any questions, please contact your HR Business Advisor. 

I need to work some overtime, what is the University policy? 
The University recognises that there may be a need for some employees to work over and above their normal contractual weekly hours in order to carry out specific tasks or during periods of heavy workload. Where there is a requirement for overtime work to be carried out, this must be done only with the prior approval of the Head of Department/Division or Line Manager. For further information, please see the Overtime Policy 

I have difficulties leaving the building in an emergency, and may need a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP), what do I do? 
In emergency situations e.g. in the event of a fire, flood or bomb scare the lifts are deactivated and you are required to make use of the staircases. However, for some members of staff this may not be so easy due to a range of issues e.g. you may experience physical difficulty or have issues with heights or crowds of people. 

If you are in this position then you will require a PEEP and you should contact your PPC Business Partner to talk through your individual circumstances and access the PEEP service. 

What is the University’s policy on Whistleblowing? 
The University’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy allows staff and students to ‘blow the whistle’ about serious concerns about malpractice in the workplace which cannot be dealt with by the more standard internal policies, such as disciplinary or grievance procedures.  

This is intended to cover malpractice such as corruption, unlawful practices, and serious financial maladministration, where it is believed that there is a public interest, and not simply a personal implication, justifying disclosure outside the usual channels.  

For further information, please see the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy. If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Partner. 

What is the University’s Social Media Policy? 
The University delivers guidance which aims to provide managers and individual employees with information concerning the use of, or the development of, any social media application, and to help them get the best out of the tools available whilst maintaining a safe professional environment and protecting themselves, as well as the University. 

For further information, please see the Social Media Policy 

I have started a personal relationship with a staff member/ student of the University, what do I need to do? 
The University recognises that personal relationships between members of the University community exist in many and varied forms. Most social and personal relationships will be beneficial, promoting valued working practices and positive academic relationships. 

Members of the University community are obligated to act with professionalism, integrity and respect towards one another in all relationships. This includes staff/student social events which link to the University. For further information, please see the University Staff/Students Relationships Policy. If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Partner.


What is probation? 
The purpose of probation is to agree a set of achievable and realistic objectives to support you in settling into your role. The probation process should help you understand your role in more detail, discuss performance, identify any developments needs and to seek opportunities to support these needs. 

How long is my probationary period? 
If you part of professional services, your probationary period will be 6 months, whereas if you are on an academic contract, your probationary period will be 12 months.  

Does everyone have a probation period? 
Any new member of staff joining the university is likely to go through the probationary period before their employment is confirmed. If you move departments/schools from one post to another and your grade increases, a second probation period may be advised. For specific guidance on this please contact your HR Business Advisor. If you are not sure who your Business Advisor is, please see our Contacts by Area page. 

Where can I find the probation documents? 
You can download the appropriate form by visiting thInduction and Probation page, where you can also download your departmental induction form.  

What happens if I don’t pass probation within the designated time? 
In the majority of cases, the probationary period is completed entirely satisfactorily and the appointment is confirmed. However, on the occasion with which the line manager believes the probationary period should be extended, please speak to your PPC Business Advisor. You can find out who your school’s/department’s PPC Business Advisor on the Contacts by Area page.  

How often should I have probation meetings with my manager? 
As part of the probation process, we recommend that in professional services you should meet with your line manager once a month to discuss your progress, using the probation document to guide your conversation. For academic staff, we recommend you meet your line manager at month 1,4,9 and 12. 

Is there a probation policy? 
Yes – you can find details of this by visiting the Policies and Procedures page.  

Promotions and Progression

I am an Academic, how do I get promoted?  
The Academic Promotions process is an annual cycle that enables academic staff to apply for internal promotion to the positions of Associate Professor and Professor. For more information please visit Academic Promotions. 

Staff at Lecturer level will automatically progress to Senior Lecturer by way of the annual increment. 

When does the Academic Promotions process open?  
The Academic Promotion process usually launches in the Spring, and will be advertised on the PPC website. 

What does the Academic Promotions process involve?  
There are a number of additional documents to support and guide you in completing your application for promotion, including Job Description, Promotions Criteria for the role and a Standard CV Template.  All of these documents are available on the Academic Promotions page.   

I’m a Professional Services staff member, how do I get promoted? 
We would encourage you to speak to your line manager about progression opportunities, and sign up to job alerts on the e-recruitment site. You may also wish to consider the Careers Pathways Framework, for more information please click here 


Recruitment - Interviews

I have been unsuccessful in interviewing for a role, can I request feedback? 
The contact details for the interview panel Chair will have been provided in the email sent to you to confirm that you were unsuccessful. Please contact them directly to obtain feedback.  

I can’t attend an interview, can I request a different time/date? 
Interview dates are agreed weeks or months in advance, and are scheduled around the interview panel’s existing commitments.

These dates are usually publicised at the time a role is advertised. If you are having difficulty in attending an interview on the date scheduled, please contact the HR Assistant who sent your interview invitation. Please note that the University is under no obligation to offer an interview at an alternative date or time.  

I require adjustments for an interview, will the University of Lincoln accommodate?  
If you require additional support in order to participate in the interview process, please contact the PPC Assistant who sent your interview invitation. 

I attended an interview and I haven’t been advised of the outcome – who should I contact?  
Contact the PPC Assistant who sent your interview invitation.  

Do I have to bring any documents to my interview? 
Yes – you will need to bring evidence of your right to work in the UK, the certificate of your highest qualification, and certificates for any teaching qualifications that you hold if the role you have applied for is Academic. All of these documents need to be original (not copies). 

Recruitment - Job Applications

Why do I have to fill out an application form? 
All applicants are required to apply for vacancies by completing an application form. A CV may be submitted to supplement the information provided in the application form.

Using an application form ensures that all applicants provide the information in the same format, which helps the selection panel to more easily compare the applications that they receive.

Once you have submitted an application to the University, the information you have inputted will then be available for you to use for any future applications. 

Who should I provide as my referees? 
Your referees must be able to assess your suitability for the role.  One of the nominated referees should be your manager from your current or most recent employment.

If you have just completed full-time education, your course tutor, or another academic staff member familiar with your work, could be selected. Family members or personal friends should not be named as referees.

If you are shortlisted for an academic or research position, the University will contact your referees prior to interview (if you have given permission). 

How long will I have to wait to find out if my application is successful? 
Normally you will hear from us within six weeks if you have been shortlisted for interview, otherwise you should assume you have been unsuccessful. 

I haven’t been shortlisted for a role, can I request feedback? 
As the University receives a significant number of applications for each vacancy, it is not our policy to provide application feedback at shortlisting stage. 

I am applying for more than one job, do I need to fill out a separate application form? 
Yes – you cannot use one application form to apply for more than one job. However, the information you complete on your initial application, including your supporting statement, will be saved for you to resubmit or amend to suit subsequent applications. 

Please note that the application system will not allow more than one pending application; should you wish to apply for more than one role at the same time, you will need to complete and submit each application before starting the next application. 

Can you tell me if you have received by application? 
Once you submit your application you will receive an email to confirm receipt. 

I have made some mistakes on my application form – how can I correct them? 
Unfortunately, once you have submitted your application form online you cannot change your details. If you need to change your details please contact jobs@lincoln.ac.uk  

What is the equal opportunities form used for? 
The University of Lincoln is an equal opportunities employer. The information gathered on the form is used to assist us in monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities policy.

The information collected will be stored and processed in accordance with Data Protection Principles for the purpose of preparing anonymised statistical reports. The information will not be made available to the selection panel and will not, therefore, be used in any part of the recruitment decision making process. 

Recruitment - Job Offers

I’ve accepted a job offer, when will I receive my contract?  
For professional service roles, your contract will be sent to you within 3 working days of the panel Chair providing PPC with your contract details. For Academic and some Research roles, additional authorisation is required, and PPC will not be able to produce your contract until this is received. If you have any queries before you receive your contract, please contact the PPC Assistant who sent your interview invitation. 

I’ve accepted a job offer, when will I be able to start? 
Start dates can only be agreed when PPC are in receipt of all required pre-employment clearances. This includes references, right to work documentation (including visas where applicable) and Occupational Health information. When this information has been received, PPC will contact your new manager and ask them to arrange a start date with you.  

Recruitment - Notification of Vacancies

A vacancy has arisen, what is the process to recruit to the post?  
When a vacancy arises, it is a great time to reflect on what your needs are, how these can best be met and how it fits into the rest of the Department/School and University.  

Your PPC Business Advisor will be able to support you throughout the recruitment process, and you can also use the Recruitment Handbook 

What is an NOV?  
A Notification of Vacancy (NOV) is the first step of the e-recruitment process, and signals your intent to recruit.  

How do I raise an NOV?  
You will need to complete the NOV form, log onto jobs.lincoln.ac.uk and click on ‘Notification of Vacancy Form’. If you cannot see this option, please contact hr@lincoln.ac.uk to arrange access.  

You may find this NOV User Guide helpful when completing the NOV, or ask your PPC Business Advisor for help.  

I have completed an NOV, what happens now? 
Once you have completed the NOV, there are 3 initial stages of approval: 

  1. Senior Management 
  2. PPC
  3. Finance 

You will receive an email notification once the NOV has been fully approved and you can complete the details for advertising. If you need any help at this stage, please contact your PPC Business Advisor.  

I want to recruit a temporary member of staff, what is the process? 
We have a contract for Temporary Agency Staffing with Adecco (UK) Limited, who are a leading provider of temporary staffing services to the HE sector You will to follow the standard recruitment process by raising an NOV via the e-recruitment system initially. This will need to be approved prior to contacting Adecco.  

For further information and for the relevant forms, please visit the Agency Worker Provision page. If you have any questions, please contact your PPC Business Advisor. 

Recruitment - Right to Work

I don’t currently have the right to work in the UK – how can I get a job at the University? 
Individuals who do not have the indefinite/automatic right to work in the UK are subject to immigration control and must obtain an appropriate visa before they are permitted to take up employment. Obtaining an appropriate visa will provide the individual with time-limited right to work in the UK.

If a non-EEA national is made a job offer from the University, and where they have no ties to the UK through family or ancestral links, the points-based immigration system is the most common route through which that individual can obtain the right to work in the UK. 

What are the different types of visa that give right to work in the UK? 
A list of UK work visas and supporting information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration/work-visas 

Recruitment - Sponsorship

I want to apply for a role, but the job advert states ‘The position does not fulfil the UK Visas & Immigration sponsorship criteria for Tier 2.’ What does this mean? 
This means that the University is unable to provide a Certificate of Sponsorship for the role, and any successful candidate would not be able to apply for a Tier 2 (General) visa.  

What is a Certificate of Sponsorship? 
Before you can apply for a Tier 2 (General) visa to work in the UK, you need a job offer and a certificate of sponsorship (CoS) from a licensed sponsor. The University is an A-Rated Licensed Sponsor. 

I have a different query about visas and immigration – where can I find out further information? 
The UK Visas and Immigration website is a good source of information for all visa and immigration related queries. You can access this website here: https://www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration  

Recruitment - System and Information

How is my information protected? 
We use a server certificate (also known as a digital certificate) to assure you of our identity and secure sockets layer (SSL) to encrypt data transmissions. 

Why do I have to register to apply for a job? 
Registration is important to ensure that potential site users are aware of the Terms Of Use for the website and it also provides access to a personalised area of the website, ‘My Applications’, which enables you to more easily manage your application contacts with the University. 

Submitted applications are automatically saved and are available for printing. Once you have submitted your first application, it becomes available to re-use as a basis for future applications, which means that you will not need to re-enter all of your information again.

Please note that if you do not access your account for over a year then your account will be automatically archived in accordance with Data Protection legislation, and you will need to re-register; you will not be able to access information held in your previous account. All information is held securely and cannot be viewed by the shortlisting panel or PPC until you have submitted your application. 

Why is my email address rejected by the registration process? 
If your email address is being rejected when you try to register on this website, this is usually because our system has identified that the email address in question already exists. It could be that you have previously successfully registered on our system but have either forgotten, or did not realise your registration was successful at the time.

If you think this is the case you will simply need to reset your password to gain access to your account again. See the FAQ on what to do if you have forgotten your password. 

My login email address/password doesn’t work. 
In order to access your online account you need to supply your email address and password so that the system can authenticate and confirm you are who you say you are and that you have access to the details you will be trying to retrieve. Therefore your email address and password must exactly match the information we have held in our system.

The most common reasons for not being able to login are because you have either entered your email address, password, or both incorrectly. Check to make sure that the information you supplied is correct and remember that the passwords are case sensitive. If you know that your email address is correct and you simply can’t remember your password, you may follow the procedure for resetting your password. 

I have a new email address, how can I change my login? 
If you have changed your email address and no longer have access to the email address you used to register, please contact us with details of your old and new email address. 

Recruitment - Vacancies

Where can I find your job vacancies? 
Our vacancies are listed on our dedicated recruitment website: jobs.lincoln.ac.uk. 

Where can I find out more about working at the University of Lincoln? 
Visit our dedicated Job Opportunities website to find out more. 

I have a query about a job vacancy, who can I contact? 
All of our job vacancies have a dedicated point of contact. Email jobs@lincoln.ac.uk and your query will be passed on to the relevant member of our team. 

I am interested in working at the University, is there a way I can be alerted to job opportunities? 
Job opportunities at the University may arise at any time of the year and so you may wish to be alerted when we are advertising a particular type of role.

There are two ways in which you can register your interestthey are both absolutely free and you can choose whether to subscribe or unsubscribe at any time.

1. Jobs by E-mail: this enables you to schedule a job search, with the results then being sent to you via email.

2. RSS: this service enables you to subscribe to automatic updates via your web browser, enabling you to choose whether perhaps to be updated for roles of a particular type or working in a particular department. 


I am considering relocating for a role, can I get support with my move?  
The University offers support with relocation for certain Academic, Research and Senior Professional Support roles. If relocation support is available for your role, you will be advised of this in your offer letter following a successful interview.  



What is the Technician Commitment? 
The Technician Commitment is a university and research institution initiative led by sector bodies with support from the Science Council and the Technicians Make It Happen campaign. The Commitment has four key areas: visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians in higher education and research. The University of Lincoln is proud to be a signatory of the Technician Commitment in recognition of the contribution of all technical colleagues. 

Are there any development opportunities specifically for technicians? 
You can learn more about development opportunities for Technicians by visiting our Technician hub or by visiting the TechLinc website. Additionally, please see our Apprenticeships page which provides more information on staff development opportunities. Our CMDA has been particularly popular with Technicians at the University. 

Trade Unions

Who does the University of Lincoln recognise as its staff unions?  
The University recognises University and College Union (UCU) as its Academic staff union and UNISON as its Professional Services staff union.  

For more information, visit the Employee Relations page on the PPC website.  

Who are the staff union contacts, and how do I join? 
You will need to liaise with your respective Union directly. If you are an Academic, please visit the UCU website: UCU Contacts. If you are Professional Services staff member, please visit the UNISON website: Lincoln University Contact.

Training - Booking on to Courses

How do I book onto a course?
You can book onto a course by visiting the staff programme bookings page. Click on ‘Book a Place’ to see a list of available courses, and select the course and date which you want to attend. Click ‘Next’ after selecting, and enter your details to request the booking, before clicking ‘Book’. An email confirmation will be sent to once this is confirmed. 

How do I cancel my place on a course? 
You can cancel your booking by visiting visiting the staff programme bookings page. Scroll down the page to ‘My Bookings’ and click on the icon below ‘Cancel’ next to the course you want to cancel. Enter your reason for cancelling in the text box and click ‘Cancel My Booking’.  Please be aware that cancelling your place within 48 hours of the course may incur a charge to your department. 

Can I be added to a reserve list when a session is fully booked in case a place becomes available? 
Visit the staff programme bookings page. Click on ‘Book a Place’ to see a list of available courses, and select the course and date which you want to attend. When a date is already fully booked, you can request a reserve place by clicking ‘Next’. Enter your details to confirm the reservation, before clicking ‘Reserve’. 

How do I add my name on the waiting list for a course? 
Visit the staff programme bookings page and click on ‘Waiting List’ under ‘Request Unscheduled Course’ on the right-hand side of the screen. A dialog box will open which asks questions regarding the course you want, and you can enter comments about what you are looking for. It is very important to give detail when entering your comments.  

What is the difference between a reservation place and a place on the waiting list? 
A reservation place is dedicated to a specific course running on a specific date which may become available if someone cancels their place, whereas the waiting list function can be used to request a course that either; has no dates or you can’t make any of the advertised dates or collecting general interest for new course. When a specific session passes that you made a reservation place on, the reservation place will be deleted. 

How can I see which courses I’m booked onto to?
Visit the staff programme bookings page where you can see ‘My Bookings’ near the top of the page. If you have booked onto a course, you should see it here along with the session details such as time, date and location.  

What happens if I cancel my place on a course last minute? 
We request that all staff cancel prior with at least 2 working days’ notice so if a course is high in demand, a member of staff on the reserve list can attend instead. If you cancel within 48 hours, your department may be charged for a place on the course.  

How do I download the course meeting request into my Outlook diary? 
Once you have successfully booked onto a course, you should receive an email confirmation where you can download your calendar booking. You should be able to click the link and then press save. 

Can I book a course specific for my team/department/school? 
If you would like your school or department to attend a training course as a team, please email training@lincoln.ac.uk with your requirements. Please be advised that most courses offered at this level will be run internally.  

Can I gain experience within another department? 
Yes – Our new Admin Insights scheme allows professional services staff to work alongside a colleague in a different department to gain experience and insight into that particular work area whilst sharing best practices. You can find out more information here

Training - Management

What development opportunities are offered that are specific to managers?  
If you access the central booking system you can see manager-related training courses by clicking ‘Book A Place’ and then using the ‘Category Filter’ to select ‘Management Development’ or ‘Mandatory – Managers’. Organisational Development also offers Management and Leadership programmes such as Aurora, Inspire and ILM, which you can learn more about here.

What is ILM? 
ILM is an accredited professional development programme which aims to develop the skills, knowledge and personal abilities you need to succeed in managerial roles. The university currently offers ILM at Level 3 and Level 5, which you can learn more about here.

How do I sign up to ILM? 
You can access the self-nomination form for ILM here. Once you have filled in the form, and gained approval from your line manager, you can submit the form to training@lincoln.ac.uk, where a member of the team will then contact you with details of upcoming dates and cohorts. If there is no available dates at the time of your submission, you may be placed on a waiting list should you meet the requirements for the programme.  

What is the difference between the Level 3 and Level 5 ILM qualification? 
The ILM Level 3 qualification is aimed at Professional Services staff grades 6 and 7 and Senior Lecturers, whereas ILM Level 5 is aimed at Professional Services staff grades 8, 9 and 10 and Associate Professors. Additionally, Level 3 is focused on leadership and management, whereas as Level 5 looks at leadershipalongside transformational change and influencing, often working very closely with the senior leadership team.  

Can I enroll on ILM Level 5 without having done Level 3? 
You are able to complete the ILM Level 5 programme without having completed ILM Level 3. However, if you have already completed ILM Level 3, and wish to also complete ILM Level 5, we recommend that you have changed roles between completing the programmes 

Training - Mandatory

Do Associate Demonstrators/Lecturers need to do mandatory training?  
We have a full mandatory training programme which we require all staff to engage with. However, Associate Demonstrators/Lecturers are required to complete the following online courses: Equality in the workplace, Data Protection Act, Information Security Awareness, Introduction to Health & Safety, Fire Safety and Safeguarding Children & Adults at Risk. Associate Demonstrators/Lecturers are not required to take part in workshop-based mandatory training but may attend if they wish to do so.  Training should be approved by your HoS regarding payment from their own local schools’ budgets.

I’m not a manager, which mandatory training do I need to do?  
Staff without management responsibilities must complete three classroom-based mandatory training workshops including; The Lincoln Welcome, Active Bystander and Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk. You can book onto these courses via the central booking system. 

Regarding online mandatory training, you can access these via our learning management systemthe required sessions can be found by visiting the Mandatory Training Portal

I’m a manager, which mandatory training do I need to do? 
Colleagues with management responsibilities must complete additional Mandatory Training workshops and these can be viewed via the Mandatory Training Portal. You can book onto these courses via the central booking system.

Regarding online mandatory training, you can access via our learning management system and can be viewed on our Mandatory Training Portal

How can I check which classroom training I have done? 
You can see the classroom training, both mandatory and optional, via MyView. Once you have logged in, click on ‘My Training Records and Skills’, then ‘My Training Record’ to see the courses you have completed. Please keep in mind that the team endeavour to update training records on MyView within a month of completing a workshop. If you have any queries, please contact the team via od@lincoln.ac.uk.

How can I check which online training I have done?
You can check your own mandatory training record via the learning management system. Click on ‘My Reports’ in the toolbar at the top, then ‘Individual Completion Report’. You can then filter depending on the type of training you’d like to see – e.g. Mandatory. To see this, change the Course Category to ‘is equal to’ ‘Mandatory Online Courses’ and click ‘Search’. You can then export your report into Excel at the bottom of the screen.  

How often do I need to renew my mandatory training? 
We recommend that all staff refresh their knowledge of the online mandatory courses and you can view these via the Mandatory Training Portal

How do I access the certificate for my mandatory training? 
You can access your certificates by clicking into ‘Mandatory’ via the home page. Click on the course you wish to see your certificate for, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Certificate’. In the next screen you can then download your most recent certificate. 

I have redone my mandatory training but the date on my certificate hasn’t updated, what do I do? 
Please do not worry if the date on your certificate has not been updated. Your certificate for each completed course will only update once three years has passed since the previous completion date. If it has been more than three years since you last completed the course and your certificate hasn’t updated, please contact od@lincoln.ac.uk and a member of the team will look into this.

I have tried to log into the mandatory training system, but it says I have authenticated successfully but don’t have an account in Moodle, what do I do? 
If you experience any technical difficulties with the online system, please contact od@lincoln.ac.uk in the first instance. A member of the team will investigate your query and get back to you as soon as possible.  

I can’t log into the mandatory training system, what do I do? 
If you cannot log into the online system using your university credentials, please contact od@lincoln.ac.uk in the first instance. A member of the team will investigate your query and get back to you as soon as possible. 

Training - UoL Programme Funding

Can I get funding for an additional qualification whilst working at the university? 
You may be able to receive funding from the university to assist with your professional development in support of the university’s strategic ambition to create a ‘dynamic and engaged’ workforce. There are different routes such as Apprenticeships and the UoL Programme Funding Scheme.

How do I apply for UoL programme funding? 
If you wish to study towards an Undergraduate or Masters programme that is run by the University, the application process will open in June each year. Regarding Doctorate study (by the University of Lincoln), the application window is open all year, so can submit an application at any time. You can find out more information here. 

Can I receive funding for any course at the university? 
The university can provide programme funding to individuals enrolling on a course that is deemed directly relevant and beneficial to their current job or department at the University. You can find out more information on the UoL Programme Funding page.

Is funding guaranteed if I apply for a UoL programme? 
Funding is not guaranteed by application alone. You must first agree this with your manager (recommended within in your appraisal), and then either your Pro Vice Chancellor / Head of College or Service Director and have your application approved by the selection panel. You can find out more about the process by visiting the UoL Programme Funding.



What are the different types of visa that give right to work in the UK? 
A list of UK work visas and supporting information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration/work-visas 

How much will a Tier 2 visa cost? 
The following link gives up-to-date details on Tier 2 visa costs: https://www.gov.uk/tier-2-general 

If I need a visa, will the University pay for this?  
No – all visa costs need to be met by the individual, however, in some circumstances certain allowances and also the University Visa Loan Scheme can provide help with visa costs. Information about this would be provided after a job offer has been made. 



How can I arrange an Occupational Health referral? 
There will be situations where it is appropriate to refer employees to Occupational Health in order that further medical information on their condition may be obtained in order to inform both the Line manager and the employee in the best way to support the management of sickness absence.To arrange a referral, please contact your HR Business Partner.

I have a staff member who is showing signs of stress, how can I support them?  
The University is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of our employees and recognise that workplace stress is a health and safety issue. You may find this Manager’s Guide useful in supporting a staff member showing signs of stress, but please raise this with your PPC Business Partner as soon as possible. 

For further information, please see the Stress in the Workplace Policy. 

I am feeling stressed at work, what do I do?
The University is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of our employees and recognise that workplace stress is a health and safety issue. We would recommend to notify your manager (or other key staff as appropriate) in the first instance, and they will be able to support you through this.  

For further information, please see the Stress in the Workplace Policy. 

Does the university offer any support with financial wellbeing? 

We offer a range of financial benefits and schemes and hold financial education workshops multiple times a year. Further information can be found via the wellbeing site. 

How do I book onto a Financial Education workshop? 
You can book onto financial education workshops online, details of specific sessions are available via Linc-On. 

How do I get involved with the University garden? 
Information about the Kitchen Garden can be found on the Estates website. 

What is the Employee Assistance Programme? 
The Employee Assistance Programme is a 24/7 confidential counsellng and advice service that is free to all University of Lincoln employees and their families. Further information can be found via the wellbeing site. 

How do I sign up for Meditation / Yoga classes? 
There is no need to sign up, just turn up! Details of classes can be found on the calendar on the PPC website. 

Are any online resources available? 
We have a range of online resources to benefit staff wellbeing, including: the 21-Day Wellbeing ChallengeMeditation Audio ResourcesIntroducing Mindfulness Programme and Mindfulness Audio Resources. There is also an online module on personal resilience. 

Which activities are held on which day, and at what time? 
Details of our activities can be found on the calendar on the PPC website. 

What mental health training is available? 
Details of the training and development available relating to mental health can be found here. 

What is Big White Wall? 
Big White Wall is an anonymous online mental health support platform available free to all staff and students at the University of Lincoln. Find out more on the wellbeing site. 

Does the university support with physical wellbeing? 
We have a range of initiatives and programmes to benefit staff physical wellbeing, details can be found via the wellbeing site. 

When are the flu vaccinations? 
Free flu vaccinations are offered during October each year, details will be available on the PPC website. 

Where is the Wellpoint Kiosk? 
The Wellpoint Kiosk is located in the Engine Shed reception. You can monitor your weight, BMI, blood pressure and heart rate for free. 

How do I get an Eye Test Voucher? 
Information about eye test vouchers can be found via the Health and Safety portal page. 

How do I sign up for Sports Therapy? 
Free sports therapy consultations run from November to April and are available to staff experiencing a minor sport related injury. Contact staffwellbeing@lincoln.ac.uk for more details and to book an appointment. 

Are there any university run social activities that I can attend? 
There are lots of things happening around the University. Details can be found on the social wellbeing page. 

What are Give Back days? 
Give back days allow staff to take paid time off to support the local community, volunteer and/or take part in charity events, as an individual or part of a team. Further information can be found via the PPC website. 

Working at the University of Lincoln

Where can I find more information about working at the University? 
We have a dedicated information hub for new starters at the University of Lincoln.  

What induction programme does the University carry out?  
All new staff participate in a School / Departmentspecific induction programmeand also attend the University-wide induction day, ‘The Lincoln Welcome.’ 

Where can I find out about the catering facilities on campus? 
You can find out more about the University’s catering, provided by FoodLinc, via the New Starter Hub. You can also keep up to date with FoodLinc on TwitterInstagram and Facebook. 

Where can I find out how much annual leave I am entitled to? 
Annual leave entitlement for all staff can be viewed here. 

I have a query regarding Brexit. 
For information regarding Brexit, visit our website or the Government Brexit site. 

Where can I find out about car parking? 
Information on our car parks and other transport can be viewed on the Estates website. 

What benefits are available to me? 
Details of employee benefits can be viewed here. 

People, Performance and Culture

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