All Staff Award


The University is pleased to announce the 2022 All Staff Award which recognises that despite the challenging economic environment facing universities, at Lincoln we have made significant achievements in the past year as we work towards realising the ambitions of the new strategic plan. These include positive trends in UK and international student recruitment and significant improvements in the recent Research Excellence Framework (REF).

The award will be £250 for each qualifying colleague as per the criteria published below in the form of a voucher that can be used at a number of high street and national retailers. The award code will be sent to colleagues via e-mail w/c 5th December 2022 from Payroll Services.

We would like to thank colleagues for their contribution in helping us achieve our ambitions and to continue the good work as we continue our plans aligned to the new strategic plan. 

Qualifying Rules

  • Hold a current employment contract as of 30.11.2022 based on a snapshot taken 01.12.2022
  • Associate Lecturers, Associate Demonstrators, Campus Jobs, Casual Workers and Claims workers to work a minimum of 250 hours using hours paid through the payroll from December 2021 (P9 / Week 36) to November 2022 (P8/ Week 35).
  • Where multiple posts are held, hours that have been claimed have been added together to provide a cumulative total from December 2021 (P9 / Week 36) to November 2022 (P8 / Week 35)
  • Where hours have been worked and not claimed in the period, they will not be counted
  • Where more than one post is active, payment is per person, not active post
  • Individuals on parental leave on a claim’s basis, have been included based on the payments made in the 12 months prior to Parental leave.
  • Individuals on long-term sick on a claim’s basis, have been included based on the payments made in the 12 months prior to reduced pay.
  • Individuals with a leave date in the payroll system on or before the 29th November are not included.

How to Use My Code

To use your code please go to the Voucher Exchange web page which can be found here VoucherShop Exchange – Log in and enter your unique Voucher Number and Validation Code that will have been sent to you in your email. When you log on you will be able to split your award across different retailers or use it at a single retailer. Following the screen steps on the system, you will be asked to confirm your delivery address/email dependent on the retailers you have chosen and then to confirm your order. If ordering an e-voucher then this should be with you within a few minutes to the email you specify. If ordering a postal voucher then delivery will be dependent on postal services.


How do I access the site?

I haven’t received an email from Payroll Services

Please check the qualifying rules on the HR portal page and contact if you have any questions.

How do I redeem my voucher?

Click on the FAQ site VoucherShop eCheques and eVouchers ( and there is a short video and a downloadable guide to assist you to redeem your code.

How long do I have to redeem my voucher?

The expiry date is the 30th June 2023.

What retailers can I spend my voucher at?

There are many retailers that you can spend your voucher at – when you log on to the site, and enter your code, there is a long list of retailers on the drop-down menu.

Do I have to spend all of my reward at one retailer?

No, you can split it between different retailers.

Can I spend more than my voucher balance?

The maximum will be the balance on your voucher code.  Through the site, you are unable to top up any values however if you can use your voucher as part payment and pay any remaining balance with a regular debit/credit card.

Who should I contact if I have any queries?

People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park,
    Lawress Hall,
    LN2 2BJ