Right to Work Update: Supplementary Employment – Skilled Worker Visa Holder  


Right to Work Update: Supplementary Employment- Skilled Worker Visa Holder

Right to Work rules have been amended for Skilled Worker visa holders undertaking ‘supplementary employment’.  

Workers must now also provide a letter from their sponsor employer confirming:   

  • They are still working for their sponsor;   
  • The job description and occupation code of their sponsored employment (if their supplementary employment is not in a shortage occupation);  
  • Their normal working hours   

It will also be necessary to also ask the individual if they are undertaking any other supplementary employment to ensure they will not be doing more than 20 hours a week in total of supplementary employment.  

Right to Work guidance and Template correspondence has been updated here: Right to Work Checks – How to Guidance – People, Performance and Culture (lincoln.ac.uk) 

Further Information:

Employer’s guide to right to work checks (publishing.service.gov.uk)  

Sponsor a worker: sponsor guidance part 2 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

People, Performance and Culture

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