Getting Involved in Life in Lincolnshire

Getting Involved in Life in Lincolnshire

Links and resources of initiatives/services in Lincolnshire that you can get involved in.

Staff Networks

A number of staff networks are now available for all staff across the University (academic and professional services/support). These have been developed by the newly formed Joint Equality Diversity and Inclusion partnership (a partnership between the Eleanor Glanville Centre, PPC, Organisational Development, and the Students’ Union) to address a wide range of needs across the institution.

The staff networks are run by staff for staff and provide an opportunity to connect, socialise, and support one another, and discuss issues of relevance. They bring people together, allowing peers to share knowledge and experience, offering emotional, social or practical help to network members, and encouraging open discussion around issues affecting both women and men within higher education.

People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park,
    Lawress Hall,
    LN2 2BJ