It’s the final week of the HR department’s countdown to Christmas!

It’s the final week of the HR department’s countdown to Christmas!

It’s the final week of the HR department’s cHRistmas Countdown and we’re focusing on self-care and wellbeing.

View week 3 and enter into our competition.

If you missed the previous weeks, view Week 1 – Sustainable Christmas and Week 2 – New Year, New Opportunities.

You can still enter into the week 2 competition until 9am on Wednesday!

Congratulations on the following staff members who have won Linc-On vouchers:

Week 1 – Matthew Newman
cHRistmas Countdown at the Organisational Development roadshow – Emma Kinna

You can also enter into our social media competitions on Twitter and Instagram until 6 January.

Merry Christmas from the HR department, and however you are spending the break, we hope it is relaxing and enjoyable!

People, Performance and Culture

  • Riseholme Park,
    Lawress Hall,
    LN2 2BJ